Party Round Up: March


Can you believe it’s the end of March already? Where does the time go to when it flies? This month has been an excellent month here in Canberra to get out and enjoy the city, with a whole heap of festivals to attend, such as Night Noodle Markets, various trips of sight-seeing to be done, Easter celebrations and more things to do and see popping up all the time. My husband and I are trying to make a conscious effort to get out more and try and new things in order to beat “old married couple” syndrome in which we stay at home and watch TV all the time. We’ve seen a lot of the new restaurants and bars popping up around Canberra recently, so I definitely suggest that you guys get out there and do the same!

And speaking of some cool new things, before you grab your keys and head out the door to explore your own hometown, check out some of these cool parties and articles to get you inspired!

Party Round Up:

Other Articles:

  • You know the saying, “I don’t know she does it?” and how it applies to people who do so much in the day and just seem to have it all together? Peeps like Beyonce? Well you too can be the person these guys are talking about, thanks to this awesome article by Business Insider on how successful people do more in a day then others do in a week.
  • Having trouble getting into the zone at work recently? Check out HerCanberra’s post on whether your consciously competent or not. And while you’re there, check out my own HerCanberra post about Dog-friendly camping spots around Canberra!
  • And to keep on the same track as getting behind the business mind, find out your purpose in life by these three handy steps.
  • I’m an active reader on Goodreads and constantly obsess over what books I should be reading next and checking off novels and tomes from my “To Read” list. I recently joined Emma Watson’s book Our Shared Shelf that features feminist novels and stories in conjunction with her work on establishing equality. It looks like such a fun time, and if the new Belle from Beauty and the Beast is behind it, then I am too!
  • Have you ever wondered what your tears look like under a microscope? It seems these little drops of water have a lot in common with snowflakes when it comes to beauty
  • I love Halsey, and I love her new single “Colors!”

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